


Org charts have been around in various forms for over a century, representing the formal structure of an organisation and illustrating the layers and relationships between groups, teams, and individuals. As organizations evolve and adapt to an ever-changing world, the way we model and visualise our organizational structures should also change.

Despite the myriad of economic, technological, and societal advancements over the last century, the way we model our organisational structures has largely stayed the same. While a static, top-down view of reporting lines may still have some value, it does a poor job of reflecting the dynamic nature of relationships and responsibilities in any company.

It doesn’t have to be this way. These interactive org charts are designed to create a dynamic view of the relationships between groups, teams, and individuals across the company.

Canvas:OS enables you to create interactive charts from your People Database in Notion with up to 4 layers of data including Group/Department, Team, Name, and Responsibilities. Choose from packed circle and sunburst chart types and embed them in your Notion workspace or any website that supports embedded links.

Learn more about the history and purpose of org charts in this blog: Org Structures - A Brief History From Hierarchies to Holacracies


▶️ Get Started


  1. Duplicate this template to get the example People Database

    People Database

    1. Or, get the full People Canvas for guides and frameworks to help you optimise your People Ops. People Ops Canvas
  2. Signup for a free Canvas:OS account

  3. Click Connect to Notion from the dashboard

  4. Select the workspace containing the People Database and any other databases you want to work with, then click allow access.

  5. You can now view your Org Charts in the Notion Charts page, and create custom charts from Notion databases you have shared.

  6. Update the People Database with your people data and embed the chart anywhere in your Notion workspace, or any site that supported embedded links. The chart will automatically update with your data.

    1. ⚠️ Please leave the “People Database” title, and the “Group”, “Team”, “Name”, “Responsibilities” property headings as they are. They are needed to generate and update the chart.

📨 Connect with me for support or check out the Roadmap for future enhancements. Try out the example charts below to see the charts in action.


Example Circles Chart



💡 Inspired by Holacracy, a method of decentralised management and organisational governance that distributes decision-making, authority, and roles across an organisation. Put some hola into holacracy with the Circles Org Chart!

👆 Click a group to zoom to the team level, then click a team to view the team members, then click a team member to view their responsibilities. Click again to zoom back out. The chart will also respond to each users device settings for light or dark modes. Try it out by switching modes in your devices system settings.




Example Sunburst Chart



💡 The Sunburst Org Chart offers a slightly different take, with each group, team, and individual forming a component of the overall system. While both charts share the same basic data structure of groups, teams, individuals, and responsibilities, the Sunburst Org Chart represents the company as an integrated whole, connected by each component.

👆 Click each segment to zoom into the next layer, and click the centre to return to the previous layer. Click again to zoom back out.

